Adam Jech


MakersLab co-founder

Email Adam:
Phone: +420 728 711 256

I started as a freelancer in the field of 3D printing. I would love to share my enthusiasm and acquired to knowledge to others that are interested, too.

At school I was introduced to 3D printing, but I had no idea that it would be what I would do in the future. As a hobby maybe. After completing my studies in architecture, I plunged into engineering, especially focusing on design and development activities in glass construction.

With the first home-built printer, I decided that 3D printing is the answer. And now these 3D printers function as a means for custom manufacturing, through both specific 3D modeling and printing. Modeling for 3D printing is a bit different that conventional modeling, and has its own specific traits, but I will not go into detail here. If you would like to learn more, I will be happy to pass on my knowledge in our 3D printing workshops, which are organized together with Tomáš Michálek.

Some of my other interests, for which I previously had more time, include athletics and fantasy. I used to take part in organizing both large LARP events and smaller, more intimate games. Although I can no longer help with the organization of these events, I still like to go and participate at some of them. I try and live by the slogan “sportem ku trvalé invaliditě,” meaning that the more you are a part of these sports, the closer you get to not being able to take part anymore.

I look forward to meeting you.

S kurzem jsme byli spokojeni, přestože se k každý z kolegů zajímal konkrétněji o jinou oblast tisku, každý si na něco přišel.
Bylo to příjemně strávený den a někteří si i odnesli i inspiraci pro tisky k realizaci.
Veronika Nastoupilová -

We really enjoyed and liked the experience. It is clearly visible that you guys are truly passionate of what you are doing. We got very insightful answers to our questions which made the experience even better. Keep up the good work.


Chtěl jsem, aby si náš tým na začátku teambuildingu rozšířil obzory v 3D tisku a byli jsme tak o krok blíže posledním trendům v inovacích. Pár hodin v MakersLabu mi ukázalo, že 3D tisk je mnohem víc než hračka pro fanoušky StarTreku. Tímto bych rád poděkoval Tomášovi a celému týmu kolem MakersLabu za skvělou práci a velkou inspiraci…takovou, že mám svojí 3D tiskárnu doma a zjišťuji, co všechno je nebo brzy bude možné v osobním i pracovním životě.

Luboš Malý - Senior Manažer neustálého zlepšování ve společnosti LEGO